Hey there, Splinter.

Bet you didn't expect this to come up when you googled your own name, huh? How do you get into contact with someone you haven't spoken to in years who used to have terrible personal tech security and lost access to all their old accounts? Nonsense like this. I am exactly that level of bored right now.

If you've guessed who I am already, you're probably surprised I even want to talk to you. It's complicated, long, and includes personal details that are best shared elsewhere than what is essentially an online personal ad. The short version is we were both shitty teens and I'm hoping we're both less shitty adults now. I never actually meant to lose contact with you. However, by the time I attempted to again, I guess you'd already had to remake your email again. Your favored username on most websites is also taken by an entirely different person most places now, so from my point of view you essentially fell off the face of the internet.

At this point I'm half convinced you're dead. But hey, if I survived, you probably did too, right?


Anyway. If you didn't kick the bucket, hit me up sometime. All the old methods you had for contacting me still work, if you remember any of them. If you don't, check your old YouTube channel. The one you probably haven't thought about in a decade or so. Most recent video. Only comment you've received in years. We can work out a better method of communication from there.

Or you can reply to it telling me to fuck off, in which case I know you're alive at the very least.

- Werecat

PS - There should be enough clues on this page for the right person to know that this is for him, and who it's from. If not, I really don't know how I could possibly be more obvious.

Thomas Alan Lloyd. Tom Alan Lloyd. thomasalanlloyd. tomalanlloyd. tomm3h. tommybear. tomm3hb34r. tim torbitt. timothy torbitt.